I'm 25th weeks pregnant and no heartbeat.

I was in shock today, when I found out that my baby has no heartbeat already. Me and my husband is so excited every month that we are going for check up to see how is the baby growing inside. However today is a different experience I was supposed to do my glucose test but then while waiting my OB check how the baby doing. She mentioned that No more heart beat from the ultrasound. I feel so sad and scared at the same time. This is my 3rd pregnancy. Two miscarriage and now this. ??? lost and broken hearted. Me and my husband cried so much from what we heard, what have we done wrong? We tried our best to make our baby healthy inside. I just don’t know what to do at this point if time. Just feel so lost and weak. I pray to God please give me and my Husband strength to accept this lost.

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Thành viên VIP

Stay strong and take care.

Thành viên VIP

I'm so sorry for your loss

Thành viên VIP

Is the baby moving well?

Thành viên VIP

Stay strong..!!!!

Stay strong!

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