4 Replies

I was induced last Friday and 1cm dilated when I reached the hospital. After they induced me with tablet it took me a few hours to reach 3cm dilation. But I stayed throughout till give birth and doc dint ask me to go home. I admitted at 12am and start giving birth at 4pm. It's normal to have red discharge after doctor check for dilation. Go to the hospital once you start contraction or water bag leak. Hope this helps!

Yes! It's a sign ur baby is coming. All the best and stay strong mama!!

Super Mum

The red discharge is expected after the checking as well as a sign of early labour. It’s called ‘show’. Don’t worry about it:) Now look out for regular painful contractions and leaking water. There’s a chance you may go into labour before Monday. All the best!

Yes I’m having contractions now and then .. but not yet leaking .thnk you I feel alittle better 😊

Hey, The red discharge is the sign of your baby coming and that you are ready. Please do not worry much, and consult your gynae asp for this

VIP Member

Best to see your gynae asap take care!

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