I want to set up a schedule for my 13 month old? How to go about it?

Hi what kind of schedule do you mean? Actually I thought babies all along have a schedule as they thrive on routine? I think the key thing is when do they nap and how long. Other things can then work around the nap. You must also make sure your baby gets enough Hours of sleep per day. My gals schedule is like this 8am: wake up and drink milk 9am: have a little cereal or breakfast 10am: shower 1030am: nap for 1.5 hours 12pm: lunch 130pm: milk 2pm: nap 4pm: milk 4455pm:snacks 5-6pm: usually we go out for strolls after her snacks 6pm: shower 630pm: dinner 730pm: milk 8pm: nap 845pm: story time 10pm: milk then sleep
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