I want to go back to work after delivering my child, but my mother in laws says I should stay home and take care of my child. I do agree with her that for a certain period of time I should be home with my child but when is an appropriate time to leave my child to go back to work?

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It is best to be able to rest and care for your newborn after delivery. Many parents miss out on the early growing stages. However, there is no right or wrong as to when you can go back. It depends solely on how you feel. The best for you and your LO. On a side note, it would be advisable to go back after 3 months old. That being said, if I had a choice and if there is help I would prefer to return to work only after baby is a year old. I sure wouldn't want to miss out on the early stages. To each it's own, no mom should ever feel bad about it.

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