Dry Skin?

I tried lotion but still the same

Dry Skin?
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Super Mom

My baby used to have very dried skin too and the doctor's advice is to be very, very generous with the moisturiser, apply a huge amount if you can since you can't really overdo it until the skin is really soaked and slippery. Some brands that were prescribed to my baby are ceradan, QV and physiogel. I found QV moisturiser to be most effective but the key is still to apply a very generous amount and every 3 hours if you can!

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What brands have you tried? Could also be the body wash you use. Brands like cetaphil should help

Thành viên VIP

Have you tried other brands of lotion? Seems like dry skin to me

Super Mom

Lush brand. The cream is dream. Can try it out

Influencer của TAP

Can try alobaby lotion and ceradan it helps!

Try mustella very effective

Thành viên VIP

Try Alobaby Milk lotion

Super Mom

Apply 3x a day:)