Am I really pregnant? Anyone experience false positive before?

I tested positive twice using a test kit. I'm expecting to meet my gynae this Friday for a blood test to confirm. The obvious symptoms I'm facing now are tiredness (feel tired even after nap) and sore breast. I don't feel nauseous, and tbh, i dont feel pregnant as well. You can say im a worrier, but before getting the results from my gynae, just wanting to hear the experience from the community whether anyone experience false positive before so that i can manage my expectation. This is my first time, and my husband and I really want a child badly. #advicepls #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #newbiehere

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I tested positive twice too and nausea only kicked in at Week 6 so it may not have kicked in yet, or some dont even have morning sickness as symptoms differ for everyone. I wanted to take a blood test to confirm but GP said no need, because pregnancy test kit is accurate enough, and asked me to visit gynae straightaway instead.

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