Just tested positive for GD at W28 but had no advice yet from TMC

I just tested positive for GD yesterday, the gynae said I can probably control my diet and don't have to take insulin, and that someone will call me to advise about the routine. No one's reached out yet, and I haven't been given anything to prick myself with. Are there any strict no no's to be aware of? Any harm still eating 1 snack a day if I cut down on carbs during meals? I just received a huge box of cookies and cupcakes and tau sar pia and ice cream, I'm hungry, it's the weekend, and all these snacks are going to go bad. #GestationalDiabetes #pregnancy #advicepls

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I have been diagnosed with GD in my last pregnancy. You won’t be given anything to prick with, you buy it yourself and prick before meal and 2hr after meal to record and monitor whether the meal will make ur blood glucose shoot above the recommended range. The big NOs are those food you receive - cookies, cupcakes, ice cream - the obvious sweet stuffs The not obvious kind are: carbo, cornflakes, sauces (ie teriyaki sauce), pau. If you are unsure whether the food is safe or not, prick your self, eat the food & measure . If it exceed the range, means the food is not good. You can still have yummy food: western food (without the sauce), fish & chip (I skip the batter) but I eat abit of fries, pasta , there’s so many things to eat.

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