4 weeks and 4days preganancy . Ultrasound and TVS

I tested at home 3 times and results are positive. Yesterday we went to see doctor and I was undergo ultrasound and doctor couldnt find anything . Then I had TVS ultrasound and got same answer . Doctor took my blood sample for HCG test. I know patience is the key but we are so worry as this is our first child. Can anyone help to share your experiences? Thank you so much.

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4 weeks may be too early. my home teat kit all negative but clinic check positive then had to wait a few more weeks before scan showed anything. my case was after 2 scans then we could see on screen.

2y trước

if I'm not wrong was about 7-8 weeks

4 weeks the size is less than an inch so probably harder to see yet... wait a few more weeks mayb then can see better.. eg 8 weeks or 11 weeks ... my first scan was at 12weeks..

You may also try other brand kit for your first pee in morning. Just relax, sometime it take a while as is too small. But mine can see in week 5 but v v small.

4 weeks might be too early to see anything.. I think earliest also 6 weeks? I went for my first scan at 8 weeks and was able to see baby’s heartbeat flickering.

2y trước

Thank you so much for your kind answer. We were worrying too much lately.

Hey don't worry too much k..its v early for 4 wks. I seen mine at 7wks with heartbeat flickering as well. Have faith in God's grace and see ur lil bub soon!

2y trước

Thank you so much ❤️❤️

4 weeks is too early. the best will be at 7-8 weeks. by then, u can see it and also the heartbeat. congrats! take good care in this early stage.. ❤

2y trước

Thank you so much!

4 weeks is too early :) my gynae told me to come in for checkup only at Week 7! And heartbeat of bb was strong :) (I'm 5 months preggo now)

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Had my v scan done at 5weeks coz I was spotting then. Can only see the sac..