help me out mommies

I am still on my first tri and i am sick (cough, flu, phlegm sore throat) plus having diarrhea should i go see normal clinic dr or specialist?

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Thanks for the replies mommies! I will for sure try to avoid meds if its no longer needed and hydrate myself. Cause yknow some pregnancies first tri nausea/vomitting can be a nightmare. ☹️

5y trước

Awe i missed being preg too when my firstborn was born and now whoop! Here i am, second round haha thanks hon! 😊

Thành viên VIP

I went to normal clinics during pregnancy if I was sick... it's fine too! But personally I feel its best to avoid medications during pregnancy

Me too.. Just had diarrhea 3 days ago.. Went to visit normal GP.. But rmb to inform them u r pregnancy..

5y trước

Yeah Fighting Babe!!

Normal GP will do but must check with Dr for medicine for pregnancy

Thành viên VIP

Normal GP will do. Just inform them that you are pregnant

Thành viên VIP

Specialist is better


Super Mom

GPs are good. Just inform them that you’re pregnant in your first trimester

Influencer của TAP

Go normal gp but let them know that u are pregnant so they can give u the medication safe for preg.

Thành viên VIP

Oh dear. I would go straight to specialist / hospital. Hydrate yourself. Please take care. Hugs

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