I stay with my parents in law and send my child (2.5 yes old) to childcare centre recently. My mil became unhappy with me as she couldn't bear to see my girl go to school at such young age. The reason why I sent my girl to cc was because I couldn't stand the way she look after my girl. She would feed my girl with lots of tidbits and cold drinks (no control), let her scream and shout at home, no manners and watch iPad throughout the day. She does all those because it was the easy way out for her and she said that she's so old already still got no freedom, everyday need to help look after the kid and she can't go walk walk in shooing centres. Nothing seems to satisfy her. As my girl's cc closes at 7pm, I asked my mil to help pick up my girl close to 7pm so that they can have some free time on their own. But she went to pick up my girl daily at 3pm! And complained that she is very tired looking after her when I am at work. I raised the option of quitting my job to look after my girl, yet she disallowed as well, saying that she already has a maid at home to do chores, I will just become a tai tai if I quit my job. Basically she rejects all the solutions that we could think of. But first and foremost, she was the one who created this problem! She just wants to create a problem and ask people for solution, yet when solution is given to her, she doesn't want to accept. Is this evil mil or what?

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this situation is tough. For me. i insisted on sending childcare even though someone is there to help me care for at home. But being at home and school is two different thing!!

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that is so annoying. I feel u. how abt changing to a childcare far away from your place.