8 Replies

I stopped bothering about those pop up notifications telling me what should my baby achieve at what age. As long as she’s slowly progressing well and making improvements day by day, I’m all good. I used to stress myself with those in app milestones (not to forget they got basic, advanced skill etc), then I start to wonder if my baby is lagging or what, how come cannot achieve the advanced skills. (Especially when they said dk which month baby starts walking then my baby is a late walker 🙄) My LO’s head is also wobbly when carried upright but when doing TT can last for quite awhile so I guess it’s normal. Don’t stress yourself over all the “they shoulds”, let your baby surprise you with their newly found skill everyday. 😊 Meanwhile….. my baby just learnt “Go away!” from idk where 🥶.

Nah dont worry, my 3 month old can't even lift his head for more than 3 seconds before he loses all motivation and just lie there. Physiotherapy doctor tell me he is still fine, just need to practice more TT with him. Its not like your baby cannot lift his head. He can lift for minutes! That means his neck has no issues, just less stamina, or just lazy. You got adult males who go through NS rigorous training and still fail IPPT, what more your LO is just a baby.

I like the guidelines as I’m a FTM too. It gives me an idea of what to do with my baby during free time. I don’t sweat whether she achieves the goals “on time”, I just let things happen naturally. Maybe your baby has a heavier head? Just saying, cause my girl’s has big head like her parents 🤣 Our parents didn’t have all these guidelines during their time and we turned out just fine. So try to relax a bit

Mine is also 3 months old, and coz we weren't confident in doing TT in the first 2 months, he's also only able to hold his head for a few minutes before getting upset. I tell myself that it's ok, I didn't have TT as a baby and my head is just fine now haha

you’re not alone! And my baby girl flips when she’s 4 month old, hitting the milestone

I too was panicking cuz my baby didn't hit milestones... even now at 18 months old, it says he needs to know 200 words.. but I really don't think so he does... trust your motherly instincts.. just ignore everything else :)


i personally try not to take it top seriously unless it's really far apart like mayb 6mths

app is just a guage. if you are worried, dont use too much app. ask doc during next visit

pls don't overthink or get overly worried. those are just guidelines

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