I am a sahm. During pregnancy my weight is 54.4kg. I am a small build women. Before pregnancy my weight is 40kg. After I delivery, Nd all the taking care of my LO my weight reduce to 45kg. It's up and down like 44kg or 45kg and my family member keep saying that I am not eating well, I am too stress taking care of kids. I nv eat this and that. I am so tired hearing all this. I did eat but not like a lot that kind. I not sure is.it true that sahm is more easy to look tired and weight lost faster? Everyone just look at me thinking I only let my son eat nv look after myself. I know they care that's why they say this, but sometime too much of this question makes me want to blow up. Any mummies can teach me what to eat to grow more fats so I won't let my family think I am suffering.. I am tired having to explain to everyone is it I never eat.....

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I'm used to it. I'm a ftwm with no helper. Every meet up with my family, relatives or friends, they will definitely say 'Y r u getting more n more skinny!' Your face 'green green' no blood! R u sick?' I have to explain over and over again I'm eating well just that my metabolism issue, tiredness and gotta take care kids after work so I dun really gain weight. I looked into the mirror one day n I realised I looked pale even after I draw my brows & eyeliner. My ah Ma ask me to brew tonics to 补 And I listen to her. Once or twice a week I eat black chicken with herbs. Once a month after Menses I brew 八珍汤. I eat 白凤丸too! I'm still slim but I look healthier now. Try it. Make up & skincare only 治标,进补才能治本. Take care!

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I'm the same as you. many people think it's due to metabolism but it may not be the cause either. i was 42kg before pregnancy. after that i was 49kg. after delivery i lost till 39kg. don't ask me why. everyone has been telling me the same thing too. it's so annoying. but i eat and i really eat. lol. more then my husband. still like that. haiz

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Probably you share your diet? And most importantly, ignore. We all know how tiring it is to be a mom to be chasing after our kids. After all we will slim down from the constant chasing. You can consider, adding some colors to your face? I would say an eyebrow is very important as it frames your face perfectly.

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Huh? I don't understand. You are originally small frame so that's why you lost the weight quickly. I'm originally 42kg... with no.1 I gained until 56kg.. within around 3 months of giving birth I dropped to 45kg and subsequently drop back to 42kg. It's just the way our body is. Nothing wrong.

Same situation as u. Sigh. Pre pregnancy weight 47kg, 3rd Tri weight 57 almost 60kg. Right now 3mpp 44kg (even lighter than pre prep weight) in expressing bm for 2 of my children. my mom keep saying my face is pale, look so slim not enough nutrition even my bm also no Nutrition

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Eating is one thing. It's the metabolism. Some of us burns calories and fats faster. One way is your can try to brighten up your facial complexion so you would look less tired and haggard.

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Yes I am in exactly same shoes as u! Got no time to eat more n even if I tried to eat a lot my weight still remains the same. Sad but it's ok.

I'm envious of all of u. My weight is not coming down zzzzz though I'm a SAHM