7 Replies

Super Mum

I find cord blood banking is unnecessary since 99% or maybe more of the stored cord blood will never be used. And you're right the cord blood can only be used for childhood diseases once they grow up the amount won't be enough anyway. And the conditions which can be treated by cord blood are very rare. I wanted to donate my child's cord blood to SCBB, however the amount was not high enough for public storage so they gave me the option to switch to private storage which comes with a higher price. I think donating is the best option.

Thanks for sharing! Would like to know if you eventually went ahead to do private banking as the count is insufficient for donation?

VIP Member

I had attended pregnancy seminar and SCBB representative gave speech too. But in general, only 20% which had enough count will be kept as donation in their blood bank. They will ask u either want to throw or save there. ( 1 years 200 sgd with 5 years contract. Can save up to 21 years.) She suggested me to keep for own use until 5 years old as chances to be used is very low. They have helpline. U may call.

Thanks for sharing! Ah if the cost is $200 annually for personal banking then it is quite reasonable tho. Will check more with the agent !

VIP Member

From what I understand it can be used for baby itself and siblings. You can check further with the agent. And based on past statictic, the number of cases that used the cord blood for treatment is very low. It's just like buying insurance. Both me and husband decided to donate to public pool so at least the chance to use is higher and may benefit others as well.

Correct me if I am wrong From what I read, cord blood is usually used for medical treatment for their siblings, not the baby him/herself

Cord blood is usually store for siblings. Usually after 12 years old won’t have much effect anymore.

Super Mum

Yup, you are right. The cord blood you store is for siblings, cannot be used by ownself.

VIP Member

I would go for it if I can afford it financially. Just want to be safer

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