31 Replies

Depends. I gave to both my parents and in law as I know them well. But they very "auto", they did not once come to our house on their own with the key. It's good for them to have it for emergency case. Once, me and my husband left for airport and realised we forgot to bring out our portable charger that was still charging at home. I asked my dad to help me switch off the charging. Otherwise, I would have to rush back to switch it off and might miss my flight.

VIP Member

Not obliged, but at your own comfort. I gave my mom the access key to my house as I'm comfortable for her to come in and out of my house freely. Likewise for my husband as he thinks this way too. But not for my MIL. Not too close with her, and even my husband is closer to my mom 😅

Its not an obligation but if u have good relations with your in-laws or u know your in-laws character well, I feel it is ok to give. I have given both my parents and also in-laws my house keys however my parents always nvr carry with them anyway 😅

Yes. We also have a room for them in case any of them want to sleepover or short stay. They brought us up, so they are welcome anytime. We don't have much time to repay them. Live with no regrets.

Is depending on individual, I pass to my parents because they are staying near, in case of emergency or if I misplaced my keys at least I got a spare one with them.

Depends, I wouldn't give to them unless they are helping to look after the house. I would definitely give them if they ever do stay over though.

I'm forced to give them because they think it's a must and they just barge in anytime and I feel so stressed and helpless 😭

Super Mum

Of course not. Haha. It’s your house. They’re welcome to come, but they should ring the doorbell or knock.

VIP Member

No! Omg I would be horrified if either my parents or in-laws expected it. My Casa is my Casa :)

Nope.. Depends on how close you are..But my parents have keys to my house. My in laws don't

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