6 Replies

Not a must but u can if u want as it helps with heatiness. I personally drink it cz I just like coconut juice. Old folks wld say it'll make baby come out clean which I don't really believe (tho my baby hardly had vernix and not covered with much blood at birth). Can drink more in 3rd tri. I usually drink the real coconut juice with pulp.

During my 1st preg, I drank after week 36 once a week. Green coconut which can be found at Kopitiam chain and hawker now. Bb came out nearly week 40 and really clean. Now I'm preg with no.2 and I'm hook with Mr coconut lol drank almost weekly during 2nd trim for a period. Now 3rd trim no more coconut craving

Coconut water has calcium & iron so drink up. Helps you to hydrate also. I drank since my 1st tri. Nothing to do with a 'clean' baby & it's not even true! My baby still came out with vernix and it's better cos it protects baby's skin.

You don’t need to drink coconut water. It’s just water. But if u like, u can drink. But it’s not a must

Can drink anytime in moderation

3rd trimester

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