I notice that my 5 month old LO sleeps better on his tummy. Any of you let your LO sleep like that throughout the night? Is it advisable?

My baby is 3 months and 2 weeks and sleeps on his tummy. When I lay him on his back or side he sleeps 10 minutes and his up sometimes less and but on his tummy he sleeps well, 4 to 5 hours so I let him sleep on his tummy
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Same. We keep the bed bare so nothing blocks her nose and mouth. We also keep the baby monitor on. Tried correcting her initially but she refused to have it any other way.. so we left her be.
It's a form of comfort & security feeling.. But just ensure tat there's no blanket or any object tat blocks his nose or hinder his movement..
Yes, my girl also will have a better sleeps on her tummy. Just make sure he able to turn and make sure nothing beside him.. i think is fine.
What is meant by sleep on tummy? Is it mean lie flat with head facing the roof? Or does it mean sleeping side ways (Left or Right)?
Yes, though initially we were so scared he couldnt breathe. Later on when he managed to turn back himself we felt safer.
My daughter sleeps on her tummy since 4months (after she learnt how to flip around).
Just make sure there's no obstruction to his nose and mouth, shd b ok
At 5 months I think its ok...he can already lift his head/neck ya?