Always fear SIDS in baby

Am i normal to feel this way. I always see videos or TikTok about SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and since my baby’s birth till now 3m i can never have a good rest or good sleep whenever baby naps or sleeps cause i will always check baby’s breathing every now and then even at night i will auto wake up few times even when baby has started sleeping through the night. I always fear about SIDS to the point its affecting my quality of sleep or even rest and always made me overthink the worse case scenario. Am i the only one like this. #firsttimemom

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don't think too much as it only brings you unnecessary stress. like what the other mommy suggested, baby's sleeping area to be as empty as possible. other than that, don't sleep with baby in your arms or too close to baby in case of suffocation, don't let baby sleep on its tummy too, use only light muslim blanket. Only allow sleeping on its back. I've raised 6 children of mine own and baby sat other babies as well. Trust me, you got to relax.

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Perhaps you can set an alarm clock, to wake you up to check baby at night. So u only check on baby when the alarm rings. At least you know you got at least check on baby but not too excessive. My baby almost 3 mths, not enough slp beary jialat, pls get some restful slp :)

Im a FTM and I used to be like you. There’s also research on SIDS saying it’s because of a flaw in the baby’s brain. Too scientific for me to explain. Baby is fine. Just make sure there’s nothing that would cause suffocation where the baby sleeps.

It’s normal, just make sure to keep baby’s sleeping area as empty as possible. Sometimes when my baby sleeps in the same position for too long I will check if she’s breathing 🥶.

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me too but i got thru it despite my kidz sleeping on their tummies more than half the time 😶‍🌫️ take care 💕

Same here! I think it’s a ‘mummy thing’

Me too