Storage of Breastmilk

Do I need to let out the air in the storage bag before storing in the fridge? If yes, why? Btw, I am storing in the back of the refrigerator, not freezing it.

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Letting out excess air from the storage bag is to allow enough space for the milk expansion. But since you are not freezing it, then it really does not matter. Doing this also makes for better space allocation.

Super Mom

Usually those storage bags kept in fridge are fed to the baby within the day also. Just be careful don't mix the bags with raw stuff in the fridge

I think better to take the air out first, just to be double sure of not having any bacteria in the bag before storing

Super Mom

Usually I will let out the air. Just worried that the bateria in the air would contaminate the milk.

Thành viên VIP

I will let the air come out for easy storage. So that I can stack them

Super Mom

No issues as long as u have space in the fridge

For easy storage