4weeks, no morning sickness. Scan and see nothing. I undergone dermoid cysts removal in late jan22

I missed my period for 2days (3 may), and tested with 3 home kits, all positive. I went dr (i had spottings) on 5 may. I did an external scan, nothing was seen at all 😢 So gynae did blood test for me to confirm on the pregnancy, results back in the evening of the blood test, 4weeks (from last menses 1st day). But i have no morning sickness at all, just headache & fatique. I am worried as I dont see anything via scan, and I have no morning sickness. Anyone can advice me how can I trigger morning sickness? 😭#1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pregnancy #pleasehelp I am not sure if my dermoid ovarian cysts operation is affecting my body. I undergo ovarian cysts removal (4cm+) and 5 tiny cysts in my uterus in late Jan'22. I removed it as gynae told me that it might affect if I get pregnant in the future. I was discharged by gynae after ops in mid Mar. But am not sure did the ops affect my pregnancy now. 😭

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You do not need to have morning sickness in a pregnancy. I did not have morning sickness for my two pregnancies and have two very healthy and active boys. At 4 weeks, it is still too early to see anything in the scan. Please try and relax and don’t keep dwelling on the small details. Stress is not good for any pregnancy. Just rest more and trust that you’ll see your baby in the scan in just a couple more weeks. Good luck mummy!

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