8 Replies

hi there, I don't think morning sickness can be self triggered.. it is one of the symptom that comes with pregnancy. And also, at 4 weeks it may be too early to experience symptoms but again it varies for each individual. For myself, I didn't experience morning sickness until week 6 onwards. At week 4, it is quite difficult to see anything with an external scan. Most doctors do transvaginal scan this early and sometimes all they can see is a very small sac at most. For me, I went in abit too early at around late 4weeks to 5. the doc did a transvaginal scan and only detected a very small dot which he wasn't even sure whether it was the sac at all. I was also ordered blood work to test for HCG levels that day and the day after. Raise in levels came back normal and I went in for scan 2 weeks later. By then I was dated 6w2d by the scan and could detect the baby's heartbeat and yolksac. don't worry, it could all be too early! stay positive! oh ya, removal of cyst most likely won't affect unless any other complications stated.. the fact that you got pregnant means it should be fine. most women went on the have healthy pregnancies after removal of cyst/fibroids.

I tested positive for pregnancy at home too, went polyclinic and refer to kkh.. but 1st scan cannot really see anything and has spotting.. did blood test and confirmed pregnant, then they scan me even more the following day.. luckily they say can see but not very obvious, lols.. took some prescribed medication and things went smoothly after that.. so you can relax and chill too, rest more.. follow your body cue and do what doctor says

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You do not need to have morning sickness in a pregnancy. I did not have morning sickness for my two pregnancies and have two very healthy and active boys. At 4 weeks, it is still too early to see anything in the scan. Please try and relax and don’t keep dwelling on the small details. Stress is not good for any pregnancy. Just rest more and trust that you’ll see your baby in the scan in just a couple more weeks. Good luck mummy!

Some people doesn’t have any morning sickness… and they’re very lucky. Morning sickness is something that can be quite torturous. I am a first time mom as well. My morning sickness did not start until week 6. Do not worry if the scan did not pick up anything at w4 as it is still early. Some mamas scan picked up nothing till w5-w6. Some w7. Do not worry and keep your spirits high. It’s very important.

Hi there...Please dun pray for morning sickness...im having it now...and indeed its kinda torturous at times...1st pregnancy i had none...and it was a wonderful!! Dont worry abt not having any morning sickness...U should feel blessed..😁 Btw 4 weeks is abit early...wait for another week or 2...do another scan...hopefully by then u can e little one...stay positive and dun get stressed up...

I am 20 weeks plus now and never had morning sickness either. Did my detailed scan and all is good. U don’t need morning sickness for a healthy pregnancy. My first scan was 6 weeks 4 days and even then baby was only seen via vaginal scan. 4 weeks is still early. All the best with your pregnancy!

Hihi! My morning sickness only started at week 38. Apart from body change, my pregnancy was quite smooth. So don’t worry about not having morning sickness as it varies. Anything before week 7/8 might be too small to detect. Stay positive and don’t stress yourself! 🫶🏻

Thank you so much to all mummies who spent time reply to me 🙏 I read all replies, appreciated 🙏

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