27 Replies

Sorry to hear about that. I miscarried my baby too during week 5, the gestational sac just passed out when I urine.. You can switch to "healing mode" in this apps.. I did a closure by completing my pregnancy diary and wrote to my baby, then I cried very badly for a night with husband by my side. Feeling better afterwards. About 2 weeks passed, I am back to my normal life, but still cried once after my friend shared on her pregnancy.. Feeling quite bad when ppl asked whether I have any good news to share.. Just release your emotion, cry out if you are sad, then tell yourself that everything will be alright.. Time will heal everything.. I am preparing myself and will try hard again after I take my Covid-19 vaccine 😊

Sorry to hear that. Just to share my story. I ever had 2 miscarriage at 18weeks & 8weeks. Now that I am a mother, I still miss & think of my lost ones. I even blame myself why didn't I do better to keep her safe. Life was miserable. I kept crying. Do talk to your husband & girl friends if you need it. Need not hide your feelings. Cry it out! Remember to talk it out. Time is only best medicine. All the best and I pray that you will get pregnant again soon!


Hey there We are in the same boat. But I miscarried twice, back to back. I just had my dnc last Monday. It's never easy and no words can describe our pain. Take time to heal but don't unpack there. Have faith and believe that there's a better plan for us. If it helps and once you are ready, do stop the app. It's a form of closure. I closed mine 1 day before my d&c. Not easy but it's a relieve. Take care and God bless.

hi the surgical is it pain?how long it last?and how mny days u be admitted?as im currently 9weeks miscarriage and opt for surgical..so scared also if it really hurt or painful..amy advice..thnks

Sorry for your lost! But you need to allow yourself to recover physically and emotionally too.. why not use this app to find out more about recovering from your miscarriage and maybe also about getting pregnant again?

hi sis may i know do u go any surgical or anything for the miscarriage?as im too having a miscarriage at 9weeks..so stressful and keep thinking wt to do nxt..as i opt for surgical..Any advice?

You have to stay strong, i feel you. The baby will be back soon. So you must take care of your health before you could have baby again. I missed my unborn baby too.. 🤛🏻

I’m sorry to hear that and pls take care of urself. I’m sure god will bless you with a child. Prayers for you

Hey, So sorry to hear that. I can understand your pain. Please stay strong and be positive.

VIP Member

Stay strong mummy. Will keep you in my prayers! May you get a rainbow baby soon. 🌈❤️

Sorry to hear your lost. Your baby will come back to you again when they are ready.

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