What do you love about your baby?

Is there an action your baby does that makes you go awww?

What do you love about your baby?
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The way they look with their innocent googly eyes and the smile that comes across their face when they see you...😍

Every morning he wakes up, he will sneak up and kiss me to wake me up. After that, he will do his weird dance. 😍

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Everything she does..😍😊most importantly my heart melts eveeytime I see my baby girl laugh or smile at me

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hugs and kiss me without me asking him 🥰 and he says I love you Umi and Aba 💗💗🥰

I love it when my babies are doing funny faces, snuggles and everything they did...😊❤

Seeing my baby makes a face when stretching upon waking up from sleep in the morning

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I can’t express particular things, every thing and every action I love it my baby

Influencer của TAP

Everything! Esp his smile and how he holds onto my pinkie when I carry him.

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Flying kisses...@7 months aiming his palm to his lips takes precision...lol

Influencer của TAP

i love how she smiles and looks away shyly when i call her name