Pregnant can eat spicy food?

Hi, may I know y pregnant cannot eat spicy food?

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Super Mom

Ya.. y not..dont take mala every day. Make sure u take spicy food in moderation

Im a spicy lover but got to cut down a little if not I will get heartburn 😂

Based on TCM, bb will have eczema if eat chilli. So TCM will ask to avoid.

i ate spicy food every week.. but have to deal with heartburns after LOL

Influencer của TAP

Spicy food is Not recommended as this causes gas and tummy discomfort

Can eat! In fact my spiciness level increased during pregnancy

Haha too many do and don’t .. it’s ok to eat spicy food

Super Mom

I'm still taking spicy food. I can't live without it. 😂

I still eat .. without chilli food so blend. In moderation

I ate spicy food in problem for me