Pregnant can eat spicy food?

Hi, may I know y pregnant cannot eat spicy food?

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Prefer not! It’s adds to complications and miscarriage

5y trước

Uhhhh where did you get this answer from ? Please refrain from saying things like this without any source . You might just scare someone off -.-

Influencer của TAP

i reckon it may cause heartburn for some mummies

Thành viên VIP

I had spicy food throughout my entire pregnancy

Thành viên VIP

I think should be okay. Spice open my appetite

Influencer của TAP

Yes I love it no chill padi cannot haha

Thành viên VIP

Yes why not,. But in moderation ☺️

Super Mom

I ate... I cannot live without chilli

I used to eat spicy food always

To hot in tummy make baby upsad

Try not to take it so regularly