C section journey
I can know more about mummy went through C section... Heard that can't give breastmilk for few weeks(due of effects of c section) right? And when can give breastmilk to baby..#advice #moreinformation

I had emergency c sec and able to breastfed my baby after few hours I was out from the operating theater. Exclusive Direct latch LO until 15months(when she started to bite..😬) Don’t think c-sec will affect breastfeeding from personal experience
Read morec-sect can give bf straight but depends you are GA or epidural. GA probably you only can feed when you conscious while epidural can feed straight away but milk might take a few days to flow. no worries
Read moreNever heard of this before. I’m c section as well. Nurse or doctor didn’t say cannot breastfeed. They even ask me to breastfeed baby. Baby is 3m old now 😊
not true 😅 I fed my baby right after csec csec is not as scary as what's return on articles. I move around on next day without pain killer. relax mummy 😊
no not true for me I was told to bf gleneagles hospital. had c sec under epidural the moment I return to ward with baby I can breastfeed right away.
I am c sec mummy... I actually give breastfeed my kid on the first day till now.. currently he is two month old
Im a c-sec mummy and I breastfed LO since first day of birth with the help of nursing pillow initially.
That’s not true dear:) C sect mummies can breastfeed
ahhh I see. thanks for the tips.