Safe To Go KKH?

Hi all, may I know if it's safe to go KKH now? I have an upcoming appointment there

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Thành viên VIP

Better to go if you already have a scheduled appt. Just remember to wear a mask.

4y trước

Thank you Jasmine for the advice, true. Everything seems fine just now, I was panicking and even thought to change to other hospital ☺️

Yes definitely. Just wear mask, sanitise and wash your hands regulary

4y trước

Thank you Anu for the advice ☺️

Super Mom

Wear a face mask and wash your hands regularly. You’ll be fine:)

4y trước

Great:) take care, dear

I have an upcoming appt on Thur too. Should be safe to visit

4y trước

Yes Jar Dee, it seems fine just now when I went, I wore mask and was careful to avoid any sick person, I have another appointment next week too ☺️

Thành viên VIP

Phew. I need to go there to pick up refferal letter.

4y trước

Yeap Liyana, I was panicking a few days ago too but it seems fine just now, wearing mask would help ☺️

Thành viên VIP

Yes but do remember to wear mask just in case

4y trước

Thank you Yvonne for the advice, yeap better to wear mask ☺️

To be safe rmb wear mask

Super Mom

Yes but be vigilant on hygiene

4y trước

Thank you Gary for the advice ☺️

Thành viên VIP

Avoid A&E area should be fine.

4y trước

Thank you Jing for the advice, I went to the pharmacy directly just now 😊

i mean why not?

4y trước

nah, dont worry too much. not good. anyways from my experience, they wont be allowed to go around themselves and will be treated in an isolated area, away from the public. if youre worried, just wear a mask for better prevention. 😉