Diaper bag and breast pump

Hi May I know if anyone has recommendations for diaper bag / bag to pack everything for new born ? Any recommendations for breast pump as well ? Is single pump sufficient ? And is UV steriliser essential or normal steriliser will do the job ? Thank you.#1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy #advicepls

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as an exclusively pumping mum, i would recommend getting a double pump as it is so much more efficient, especially for all the MOTM pumps where you can barely keep your eyes open. and definitely a sterilizer because you will be washing bottles and pump parts so frequently. i’m currently using a steam sterilizer and it is such a hassle to dry everything so many times in a day. if you are mostly alone at home with not much help, get a UV sterilizer if you can, it saves you so so much trouble. of course this is from my personal experience as an exclusively pumping mum. if you are planning to direct latch, then i suppose a normal sterilizer and single pump is sufficient!

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thank u so much