How To Wash Curtains?

May i know how do u wash custom-made curtains materials? Beside sending for dry cleaning which is expensive, any alternatives?

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mine diy laundry as they also have dryer can dryer up also, budget also, anyway i only wash once a year, cos my material is customize size and super thick material. or another option dry cleaning which abit pricey.

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Depends on your curtain materials. Mine can be washed in washing machine. If you are not sure whether it can be washed that way, you can try calling up the curtain supplier you got the curtains from to check.

Influencer của TAP

Perhaps you can invest in those steam vacumm thingy? But costly though. Better to leave it to expert since it's custom made.

Super Mom

Dry cleaning at best. Or delicate mode if the material isnt too sensitive..

I actually wash mine in Washing machine under delicate mode

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Dry cleaning is the best option for custom made curtains

I thk send to dry cleaning shop will be better

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Mine go stRaight to e home washing machine

For me I sent to dry cleaning shop.

Dry clean will be the best option