how do you cut your baby's finger nails??

May I know how you usually cut your baby's finger nails? Did you distract your baby?

22 Replies
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Very young baby I don't cut..I trim with a nail filer..Too stressful to cut

Super Mom

I file my baby's nails. Dare not cut.. Plus she is a light sleeper.

I generally cut the mails, when I am feeding him

I cut her nails while letting her watch YouTube

Thành viên VIP

Many thanks for the advices!! Mommies!!

Thành viên VIP

I just use the nail clipper i use ?

Thành viên VIP

When he’s sleeping is the best time!

Thành viên VIP

when they r sleeping better and easier

Super Mom

I cut when feeding or sleeping

Thành viên VIP

While they are sleeping(: