8 Replies
Hi, your gynae would advise you whenever you go for your checks. If unsure or if you feel unwell before the scheduled appointment, pls call them to fix an appointment. Here is a link where you can find out more details about the scans required : https://www.google.com/amp/s/sg.theasianparent.com/list-of-scans-during-pregnancy/amp
at least once a month for 1st and 2nd trime.. almost every week on the 3rd. but depending if you have special cases that needs frequent attention. if your doc wont advise, initiate to ask but normally it's indicated on your follow up notes...
Follow your gynae's advice. He or she will tell you when to go for tests/regular check ups etc. For uncomplicated pregnancy, it can range from monthly visits to 2x a month for this stage.
Monthly checkups from first trimester until last month. From last month of 3rd trimester will be weekly check-ups .
Monthly.. The clinic will update you. It will get more frequently during the 3rd trimester..
for 1St and 2nd trims, once a mth. towards the end. 2-3weeks once.
i followed the advice of my gynea with whom i had a package
I visited once a month - and from week 36, every week