Partners & In-Laws

I am in my second trimester. My partner and I have been having alot of problems recently in regards to his parents getting involved. He and his mother has taken the time to draft out names for the baby without even asking me and they are even talking about where our child will be schooling without informing me. When i have voiced out my concern to him he gets defensive and with my pregnancy hormones I get so annoyed at him. Has any been through this?

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I don't have this exp but as a Mother, I think you have the right for everything regarding your baby. Hugs 💕

Hahaha same with my MIL who wants to decide what to name my baby. I don’t bother. It’s my baby, not hers. Lol

Thành viên VIP

I will scold the both of them if i were u. Know where is the line at.

I will wan to decide on the baby name too