8 Replies

You can try going to Legal Aid Bureau for pro-bono lawyer to help you with the case. You can discuss with your lawyer on whether you are keen to fight for joint custody with care and control under you, or sole custody. Do note that with either, the father may still be able to request for access rights (i.e. overnight stay with him/outing with him). You can also request for maintenance for your child. Hope that helps.

Yes please visit the legal aid bureau for help. U can also call the family court and check with them the process /procedure for getting pro Bono help. Usually both parents have joint custody and mother will have care and control as bb is still young. Father usually get access rights over Weekend. There is also free legal clinic in each housing area u stay. If all fails, approach MP they have means to help u find pro Bono lawyers. Never give up. Not to forget fight for your maintenence allowance.

You are the mother of the child. Try find fulltime job. You have more chance to win as now Baby need mother most. Dont give up! Usually mom will win. Unless u really poor and cant feed ur baby. Try to seek for ur family help to take care of baby during the law process, try to give baby breastmilk, find a stable job, to proof that actually baby need u more and can live comfortably

Mostly u can get joint custody, Care and control normally can be under u. As u are giving bfing. As access time can be reasonable and u can request for maintenance for your child. Anyway, try to go for Counselling see whether u both can turn back. I believe u having depression due to just give birth. Try to give your baby a happy and complete family. “We Love Child 👶🏻”

You are the main caregiver and mother of the child. You have a better chance of winning the custody. Do try get a full time job and support from your family to help you through financially day to day. Take care

Enrol your child in infant care while try looking for a full time job. You will have more chance being financially stable.

VIP Member

better to have a lawyer. higher chance c&c will be grant to u bc u r bf-ing. he will need to give u and baby maintenence

U n hubby should move out instead of divorce. PIL problem shouldn’t be made your marriage problem.

Find a lawyer.

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