I am a high risk mom to be for the first time. Giving birth at age 40 is taunting and being clueless of what will go on during labor scares me. Can anyone share with me if you had experience giving birth at 40? What are the physical challenges?

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As an older first time mother, you will be more likely to be offered medical interventions during the birth. If you’re 40 or older, you may be offered induction at 39 weeks to 40 weeks because it may reduce the risk of stillbirth, particularly if you have other complications. Moreover you are most likely to give birth by caesarean and this increases the older you are as there is a greater possibility that your baby is in an awkward position at birth, particularly if you’re over 40 and expecting your first baby. Other reasons include an increased risk of fetal distress during labour, a greater likelihood of long labour, because the muscles of your womb work less efficiently when you’re older. Although some labour and birth complications are more common in older mums, this doesn't mean that they will happen to you as well. However, doctors will be more cautious approach attending to an older mother and anticipate that you need more care because of the increased risks, even if your pregnancy is going well. That being said, my cousin gave birth to her first at 39 and she had a generally smooth pregnancy. She was extra cautious with her diet, lifestyle and even took time off work towards the beginning of her last trimester. She gave birth via c-section.

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