I heard that if you suspect that your kid has meningitis you can do a quick test at home: get your child to touch his chin to chest. If his neck hurts in doing this, or is unable to do it, it could be meningitis. Is this correct?

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It's not easy to spot the symptoms of meningitis. People often confuse the early signs and symptoms of meningitis with the flu. In fact, meningitis may come on the heels of a flu-like illness or infection. That's why it's important to stay alert, learn the hallmark signs and symptoms of meningitis, and act quickly. It may help save a life. Common Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis Bacterial meningitis symptoms may develop within hours or days. Viral meningitis symptoms may also develop quickly or over several days. Here are more common signs and symptoms of both types. Not all symptoms may appear or appear in the same order. Fever, headache, and neck stiffness are the hallmark symptoms of meningitis. Fever Severe, persistent headache Neck stiffness and pain that makes it difficult to touch your chin to your chest Nausea and vomiting Confusion and disorientation (acting "goofy") Drowsiness or sluggishness Sensitivity to bright light Poor appetite More severe symptoms include seizure and coma In infants, symptoms may include fever, irritability, poor feeding, and lethargy. Other Potential Signs and Symptoms of Meningococcal Disease These are additional signs and symptoms of meningococcal infection that has entered the bloodstream: Abnormal skin color Stomach cramps Ice-cold hands and feet Skin rash Muscle ache or joint pain Rapid breathing Chills

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