6 Replies

Hi, I think being a mother to a child, the best you can do and at the same time make money is start working for an online communities for moms and babies. You can also contribute for online parenting magazines and while living as a parent and rearing your baby can at the same time share your experiences with people through writing. There are number of parenting sites as well as magazines for which you can write. Search on the Internet for such magazines and parenting articles that people demand and also pay well too for them. Else, you can do baking, if you like so, and can promote it in your society and can kind of do your own little in-house business. And if your hoby is something else, you can change it into money making proposition in a similar way. Good Luck!

Hey Mishi, you will have to make your CV based on your experience and share it with various job sites, so that you are updated of what roles are available out there. also, depending on what you interests and experience are, you can reach out to companies and share your profile, and ask them to let you know if they feel you suit any open roles. not just that, if you want, you can start your very own thing from home that could be into HR for headhunting, where you can find out the right candidates and then share it with the companies you tie up with, or get into writing roles, or give online training on various academic subjects and so on.

Hi, First, ascertain what you would be comfortable doing and then get on to your search in that particular category on the Internet. There are number of things that you can do while sitting at home, all you have to be is consistent in it. Whatever your skill is or like doing, you can along with working for online portals can also blog about it on regular basis, and with time you never know, your blog itself starts making money.

It will depend on your area of experience or study, as well as interest. a few home jobs you could do: content writing editing working on creating audio books selling from home working as a holiday planner medical files transcription online tutor creating test papers

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Hlo everyone ... If anybody want work from home just 2 3 hrs can wts app me 9653456514

hi i am a mom of two girls wanted to work from home please help me

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