Is your boss expecting you to work as hard as your other employees? What do you do if you can't cope

I have told my boss that i am pregnant. However, recently he been increasing my workload same as other colleagues. He asked us to take out 6-7 projects on top of our daily work. As these projects are global, it will probably involved a lot of morning or night calls due to different time zone. I am worried if my body can take it. He seems to want me to work as hard as before with OTs etc. If i tell him i cant cope can he use this as underperformance to dismiss me? #pregnancy #advicepls #firstbaby

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Super Mom

Hello I have the same workload as my colleagues during my pregnancies. I don’t think my bosses gave me lesser because I have a bump but they do check in on me to see how I’m coping. You may want to have a conversation with your bosses to let them know if it’s get too overwhelming and stressful.