I have a stroller Donna but when my LO is sitting inside it feel so cramp for him and his leg is outside of the stroller. My lo is 6 months and I brought him another stroller with cost around $399 and my husband does not agree on it but I insisted that we need a bigger stroller for LO as he is grown and need a stroller which can recline all the way back for him to sleep when he is tired. But my LO love to be carry and I used to baby wear him around the shopping mall. He doesn't like to be seated inside the stroller. When we having dinner I have no choice but to place him inside the stroller he will be cranky and cry and my husband will be very angry and said to me let him cry as loud as he wants. He need to be train sitting inside stroller not every time wants you to carry him. Then I will be angry because I quite protective but I still respect his decision as he don't want me to be too tired and wants me to finish my food. He say LO is a guy he has to be slowly train to be independent not always when he cry or cranky we have to attend to him immediately. Whenever LO cries or cranky in shopping malls, all the stranger will keep staring and staring making me feel like I did something wrong. Is so frustrating. My husband said that I brought so expensive stroller I have to train him to seat inside don't waste the money. I feel that I should have think before buying the stroller. Or should I train him to seat inside the stroller? I gave him treats, toys any whatever that can give him I tried. But he wants me to carry.

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For meal times, you should train and place your child in the high chair at all times. As long as it's repeated to good I should be seated on a high chair.