I have observed that my sex drive has diminished after having a child. My son is 6 months old now, and oftentimes I decline my hubby's invitation for a 'quality time'. Is it normal to feel this way? How do you bring back the drive?

What can one expect when one has a 6-month-old baby. You must be physically and mentally exhausted and the time that you get for yourself, all you would be thinking of to just relax. It is pretty normal. http://www.kveller.com/losing-my-sex-drive-after-having-kids-and-how-i-got-it-back/ http://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/week-18/lost-loving-feeling.aspx
Read moreIt's normal, don't beat yourself over it. The first 6 months of being a new mommy is hectic, busy and exhausting. I imagine it's the same for your husband and I'm sure he understands as well. Maybe you can get someone you trust (your parents or in laws) to watch your baby for a night while you and your husband have date night, be alone and to get intimate? :)
Read morei feel what you are undergoing now. to me is more of the tiredness and awkwardness as our baby is sleeping with us. however, we will still try to get have a 'quick' session when baby is with at my parents place.
It's Normal . If u r breastfeeding and have not got back your mens , u r not ovulating . Therefore your Sex drive goes down. Other than that tiredness is one of the factor too.