i have a fever now 38-38.3C.is it just me that I'm selfish but my inlaws is insisting that they should put the baby to sleep beside them and to use formula milk. and i also ask my pedia and she said its okay to bm just to say to my inlaws that its safe cause they are insisting. Is it normal i have this feeling of selfishness towards my baby? i just want to be a good mom.

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I think you're not being selfish. Putting your baby as your foremost priority, even at the lowest of your health, is actually a selfless act. Even if you are struggling right now, you still choose to give your baby the best nutrition there is. So please do yourself a favor, stop thinking you're a selfish. You are indeed a good mom. Just tell your in laws that you can handle your situation, and be firm with what you want. However, don't lose respect because they're still your husband's parents. Good luck and I hope you recover soon for your bub!

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8y trước

thank you for your advice. thanks God and I already recovered. :)

same here. I had back ache and difficulty breathing when my baby was 3 weeks old. I pump my milk and gave it to my in law before going to the hospital. Unfortunately, my in law throw out my milk and bought a formula. She is scared that my baby might get sick too. Seriously???? When did the back ache became contagious?!?!?

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You are not selfish. but breastfeeding, you are giving your baby the antibodies for them to build the immune system. It's perfectly normal! I would wear a face mask as a precaution

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Firstly and foremost you are not selfish. Your in laws are just being caution.. Is better safe than sorry.

you are a good mom. it's good to continue breastfeeding baby even if you are sick.