I have decided to get a divorce. (Don't ask me why) Can I know how to go about doing that? How much will it cost?

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It depends on many factors. Irregardless of what the cause is, the question should be what is the relationship you have right now with your spouse? Is it hostile? Or amicable? Are both of you co-orperating with one another or are you guys at each other's throats all the time? The cost of a lawyer varies of course, depends on what you want out from the divorce. I've had a friend who paid only $1+ for lawyers because her ex gave her everything she wanted so it was easy. I've also had a friend who paid $5+k but got a difficult lawyer who was slow in responding to her. Personally, for myself, I am not engaging any lawyer and I believe my ex-spouse isn't either. Simply because I've done lots of homework about what happens to my kids, alimony and maintainence, what happens to the house and future visits to my son by him. And to do this yourself would mean you have to set up files of why and what ifs, and reasons that you deemed best fit. Otherwise, if you rather, you could engage a lawyer who would be best be able to represent you and explain you in your entitlements and fight for your rights. As mentioned, fees are about $1+k onwards depending on the length of your case and the quality of your lawyer. Bear in mind that the more expensive the lawyer is, that doesn't equate to his abilities.

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