12 Replies

I am so sorry for your loss. I understand that it will be difficult at this point of time but please try to be positive. Things will be fine soon. Do not over stress yourself

Hi dear. Its ok to cry. You are not alone. It takes time. It's not easy but don't give up! Your husband is upset too but somehow I think guys are stronger, he won't show it or cry it out like us women. After your confinement, go for a short trip if needed. Talk it out, don't keep to yourself. Just to share, I even had 2 miscarriages at 18weeks & 8weeks. I was extremely down with my first miscarriage. I miss her so much, i cried almost everyday. I blame myself for not doing better. Worst part was that I had to face 2 pregnant colleagues at work. Been more than a year passed, now that I am pregnant again, I still miss her & think of her. Don't give up! ***Hugs***

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