milk supply dropped tremendously
I had been a low supply mum. Ever since I went back to work, my milk supply dropped even more. I am working at the reception, sometimes I can't leave my desk on time or when it gets busy. Currently I get about 80ml when I pump 5hrs apart. If I try to find time to pump more, will my supply comes back?

you have to pump more regularly, 5 hrs apart is too long - I find, but of course understand its because of your work. If not working, you can breastfeed your child from 1 breast & right after pump tge other one. Try to incorporate oats into your diet, it works wonder for me! Drink more fluid & relax, dont be stress over this. If need to, supplement with formula..we turned out ok ( i'm sure most of us parents here were formula fed babies ). All e best!
Read moreYes the supply can increase again, but it requires a lot of commitment to eat and drink well, and also pump a lot more frequently. Just my personal opinion here, don’t stress over this. Just do your best, and top up with formula if you need to. Whatever milk you pump out will give your baby some vood antibodies, and the FM helps top up for the nutrition. You’re doing a fantastic job juggling work and breastfeeding already:)
Read moreHi, The more you pump the more your body will get used to producing milk. Try pumping regularly and also have more green leafy vegetables in your diet
Yes, your supply will come back if you can pump more regularly. Try to do power pumping over the weekend
Yes! It works in supply and demand power pump can helps too. Alternatively eat milk booster food.
Drink more fluid. Pump more. Eat lactation supplements or cookies...
Try to drink more fluids and don’t get too stressed up
Yes need to pump freq