
I had arguments with my mom as there are a lot of restrictions due to superstitious. She is always telling me that I am not allowed to sew things, not allowed to eat this or that and even not allowed to travel out of Singapore as it would cause harm to the baby when she is born. Even when I told her that I had checked with the gynae regarding travelling by taking cruise or even to JB, she would say that the gynae is too young and which is why they will say it is okay. I cannot understand her mindset. The food she doesn't allow me to eat even includes soy milk and she told me that I can only eat apple or pear because the other fruits are either too heaty, too cooling or will cause baby to have phlegm when born. She doesn't allow me to drink cold drinks as well, saying it will cause the baby to have weak lungs or asthma. Additionally, she says soy milk will cause the baby to have phlegm when born, and bird nest is too cooling for the body. To be honest, I know that she cares which is why she restricts but her list of restriction is far beyond my expectations, and then will continue to say it is because of me being a young mom which results my irresponsibility of taking care of myself during pregnancy period. I had told her that I tried to avoid raw food or anh food that cause uterus contractions as what my gynae had recommended. But to her, she will always say I only believe in the doctor, but not her when she has given birth before. ?

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I understand. My mom is also superstitious in some ways. Raw foods definitely have to be avoid. - Bacteria. Too much cooling stuffs will affect baby’s lung in the future. A lot of mummies will avoid it too. Cold drinks, can drink but in moderation. Sewing / hammering/ renovation etc , prolly they have seen mummies back then and went thru hard ship. Must have some reason. That’s why can be quite paranoid and concerned. Some mummies ok with renovation. But not all which I aware of. You can travel, but need gynae approval. Also depends how bad is your morning sickness. Usually gynae won’t recommend travel during 3rd trim only. Enjoy your pregnancy, don’t worry too much. The things you can’t do, let others do it for you 😂😂

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