Uv or steam steriliser
May i get some review on Ur preference? Currently i am with steam steriliser but the moisture in bottles kind of bothering me.

I love the UV steriliser because if the drying cabinet function. Do lookout for discolouration of caps and pump parts and bottles and teats. Because if they are that discoloured, it's time to get new ones anyway. Sometimes I will place my Philips food processor parts inside solely for the dry function before I assemble them back for quick usage.
Read moreI’m using Haenim uv steriliser! Very useful leh! But I think downsides are 1) basically for everything (bottles, pump parts etc) they will all say you can steam sterilised n never mention anything about UV sterilisation, 2) normal PP bottles will turn yellow after awhile n 3) process is longer than steam steriliser!
Read moreIf I not wrong not all materials can be placed in UV steriliser le so I rather stick to the old fashion way by steaming .
Well many people says steam is better COs don’t have the UV but the moisture is annoying I agree
UV i find is more thorough.
steam because cheaper😅
Haenim UV.
Haenim ^^
Feefee mummy