I had to inform almost straight away because I could not be exposed to certain elements at my workplace. I think it depends on the nature of your work and how much notice your boss needs in preparation for you going on maternity leave. Oh, you may also need to inform to justify you going off many times for antenatal appointments
I believe it depends on the nature of ur job. My job is desk bound, so I only inform after end of trimester 1. But if ur job is dangerous, Long standing hours, exposure to harmful chemical, need physical strength, need to climb up up and down, then I would suggest immediate .
I'd informed my boss immediately after testing. But different workplaces may have different cultures, best to let your boss know early so that they can understand when nausea, and other symptoms of first trimester kicks in and you need to go for frequent mcs
I informed immediately, as we are a 2 man team. So I had to let her know quickly for her to prepare herself when I’m on maternity leave. My manager was more understanding whenever I have to go for my prenatal check ups.
I informed my boss when I was about 8 weeks when she asked me during my work review as she was already aware that I was planning for a family. However if not for that, I’d prob only inform after first trimester.
Depends on your job scope, i work at retail line previously and sometimes need to carry heavy stocks so i will inform asap. Boss let me do something light like cashiering only.
I informed almost immediately due to the nature of my work. Some duties were reassigned to give me lesser stress and strain on my body.
When I first come to know. Need her to understand I need to go for medical appointments
I inform when i was 6 to 8 weeks. Your boss have to be aware asap.
I informed my boss immediately.