Brown spotting at 5 weeks

Hi, I just found out I'm pregnant over the weekend. Took a test and a very dark positive line came out within seconds. However I'm having brown spotting now (5 weeks this week). Is this normal, maybe implantation bleeding? And how long does this last? I've alr went to polyclinic and waiting to get appt date to kkh.

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Congratulations! Yes, normal during the very early stage of pregnancy to have some spotting due to implantation although not all will experience the same. But should be no more than a few drops of blood & not even enough to cover a pantyliner. Do mention it to your gynae on your 1st check up so he/she can rule out if there is any complications.

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is there any other symptoms? cramping ? nausea?

4y trước

Yup, there was slight cramps. My nausea kicked in at 6 weeks. Now I'm at 11 weeks! :)