I feel im the worst mom

Hi i just found out im 12 w pregnant. And sad to know that i have cyst size of 2.8cm outside my ovary. I know its not that worst yet, but to find out bout that i dont know how i can cope with being pregnant and handling 2 kids below 3. I even lose weight. Sometimes i dont know what to eat. And everything is on me. I feel sad that ppl say my 11 mnth baby quite light. I feel like i didnt do my job by giving my kids a proper meal. How to? I myself in this condition.

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huggggssss motherhood and pregnancy are both tough enough on their own, it will take a superwoman like u to be able to go through both at the same time so don't let anyone doubt how amazing u are. I always rem what my boss use to tell me, we are all making the best decision and doing our best based on what's avail to us at the moment, and that's good enough. my baby also dropped from 90th percentile to 15th percentile and I was feeling so horrible, but she's now a cute bubble 18m old. there will be never ending comments from ppl (eh feed more FM/BM, eh do this do that, eh why Ur baby like that), but ignore them, we just do us!💪jiayou mummy

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