I feel that I have no social life ever since I became a Mum.(don't be mistaken, I love my child and my role as a Mother truly) As I'm a young mum when I had my kid, most of my friends are still in my their singlehood or non-parent life. Due to our differences they had also drawn a line between us and I find it hard to re-connect back to them anymore. I can't meet to their schedule or life interest too due to my own commitment. I'm absolutely ok with being alone and doing things myself most of the time but there are days where I do feel really lonely. My hub and siblings are like my only "friends" now. My work place culture also happened to be that people don't have lunch or connect and socialise together too as our office is a small one with just a few of us. Its not their style to mingle. I think some of the mummies may face this problem too. How do you manage or cope with this feeling ? :S

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im and introvert extrovert. so i feel its okay to be arnd ppl and i love my own time. when i start to not werk... i have difficulties accepting... but in the end i soon realise family is all that matters. and if they are your true fren... they will connect themselve to you.. they will offer to come over your place and get close to you and your kids... trust me when u grow older... the lesser true frens u have.... but again.... family are #1....

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