
I feel that my child have phlegm. He is only one month old how.

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my baby had it too!!!! brought to doctor, she say isn't phlegm tho is the nasal like clogged up n babies dun knw how to clear so sounds like phlegm

Thành viên VIP

Hi... your child is too young to self medicate. Please bring your child to see a pediatrician or doctor

Super Mom

I went kkh see PD. She said can use sterimar nasal spray for 0-3 years to clear the nose

Better to consult a doctor though it’s normal to hear phlegm like sounds

Hey, Please bring your baby to PD to consult

Influencer của TAP

Best to check with your pediatrician to be sure

As your child is too young, please see a doctor

Super Mom

Mine also.. mine 6weeks old 😔

5y trước

Mine too! Isit because of milk powder or during pregnancy i drank cold water?

Thành viên VIP

bring ur baby to see dr

Super Mom

Is very common in infant as their airways are still narrow and developing. PD can't give medicine as the child is top young. But they will givr saline and mini suction tube to suck out the phlegm