KFC can eat?
Can I eat kfc cheese fries? First trimester only. Or can i eat at least a few pieces to just satisfy my craving

Go ahead to satisfy your cravings! I had Mos burger with iced milk tea almost once a week 😅 My baby came out healthy but had to be induced at 40w + 1 day as she was getting too big. She had to be vacuumed as she was 3.7kg and I had trouble pushing her out. So maybe last few weeks try to eat more healthily at least baby won't become too big 😅
Read moreI ate kfc cheese fries almost every week during my first tri coz I was mad craving it! Everything is ok. I’m in my late 2nd tri now :) everything in moderation shd be fine! Like.. I’ll try to limit all the “sinful” stuff to once a week n spreaded out thru the week. BBT, instant noodles, macs, Coke Zero… fast food….
Read moreim usually a person who doesn't eat fast food, but when i got pregnant, i couldn't eat anymore salmon, cucumber, lettuce.. basically the salads and the quinoa and couscous. all those healthy food just made me nauseous. so i had fast food twice or thrice a week haha. and it's fine. we gotta eat!
Can…I also ate it early in first trimester as that was the only thing I felt like eating. But everything in moderation else you’ll suffer from after effects of indigestion (fries are oily and processed food, harder to digest)
Can eat jus that must monitor weight gain if you gain weight easily. For me i gain weight easily and by end of trimester 2 I alrdy gained too much so dr wan me to control my diet which is so difficult and sad.
Ask gynae. My gynae say throughout pregnancy dun eat fish with mercury content and raw food. The rest are the restrictions are more of myths and superstition. Eat anything but in moderation.
Why not? I ate a lot of fast food and my baby was very healthy. It’s up to personal comfort though. First trim I didn’t want anything except macdonalds breakfast
eat in moderation should be fine. I'm at 27 weeks I do eat instant noodle/ramen too. mostly importantly is eat a variety of food. don't restrict too much.
during my first trimester keep crave for kfc cheese fries I will eat 1wk or 1month once.
yup, I ate cheese fries too.. but try to avoid the mayo